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Version: 2.0.0

Bifrost Development Setup

Bifrost officially supports development on Ubuntu. Other operating systems may still work, but the Topl team may be unable to support certain questions.


A convenience script is provided which will run the following steps automatically. We highly recommend reading the contents of the script before running it. The convenience script can be run by typing

source ./docs/scripts/

from the command line (from the repository root). Otherwise, the directions below will suffice.

Docker, Java, and SBT

  1. Install Docker.
    1. Be sure to follow the Linux post-installation steps, namely run sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  2. Install Java and SBT using SDKMAN.
    1. Prerequisite: Install zip and unzip sudo apt install zip unzip
    2. Run curl -s "" | bash
    3. Run source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
    4. Run sdk install java 11.0.17-tem
    5. Run sdk install sbt 1.7.3


  1. Clone and checkout branch dev.
  2. Run sbt compile from the command line.