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Getting Started

Let's discover bifrost-daml-broker in less than 5 minutes.

Development Usage

If you are using the bifrost-daml-broker for development purposes in conjunction with the DAML toolset, for example, the daml sandbox or daml start command please refer to this section.

System Requirements

Your system needs to have the following software installed.

  • A Java Virtual Machine (JVM).- The bifrost-daml-broker is a Java application, and thus Java is needed.
  • Coursier.- A simple command line tool (CLI) to to run Java applications without any setup. It is very easy to install.
  • DAML SDK.- We need the DAML SDK to integrate with DAML
  • Docker.- We are using Docker to launch the Bifrost node easily.

Broker Requirements

To launch the broker you need to provide it with a keyfile.json file and the password for that file.

Initializing the DAML Ledger

Before launching the broker you need to initialize the DAML ledger. For this, your ledger initialization script needs to allocate a party for the broker. The broker will use this party to interact with the ledger.

This can be done by adding the following line to your DAML initialization script:

import Daml.Script
import DA.Optional

initialize : Script [Party]
initialize = do
broker <- allocateParty "broker"
brokerId <- validateUserId "broker"
createUser (Daml.Script.User brokerId (Some broker)) [CanActAs broker]
debug ("broker party: " <> partyToText broker)
pure []

The debug statement will print the party allocated for the broker. You will need this party to launch the broker.

Launch the Prerequirements

You need to launch the DAML sandbox from your DAML project using the following command:

daml start

You also need to launch a Bifrost node using the following command:

docker run -p 9085:9085 toplprotocol/bifrost-node:1.10.2 --forge --disableAuth --seed test --debug

Launch the broker

Assuming your keyfile.json in the current directory and its password is test you can launch the broker using the following command (this uses coursier to launch it):

cs launch co.topl:bifrost-daml-broker_2.13:0.2.0 --  -n private -u -h localhost -p 6865 -s false -o <broker party> -k keyfile.json -w test