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Version: current

Wallet Mode

Command: wallet [balance|set-interaction|list-interactions|sync|init|recover-keys|current-address|export-vk|add-secret|get-preimage|import-vks]
Wallet mode
Command: wallet balance [options]
Get balance of wallet
-n, --network <value> Network name: Possible values: mainnet, testnet, private. (mandatory)
-h, --host <value> The host of the node. (mandatory)
--port <value> Port Bifrost node. (mandatory)
-s, --secure <value> Enables the secure connection to the node. (optional)
--from-fellowship <value>
Fellowship where we are sending the funds from
--from-template <value> Template where we are sending the funds from
--from-interaction <value>
Interaction from where we are sending the funds from
--from-address <value> Address where we are sending the funds from
--walletdb <value> Wallet DB file. (mandatory)
Command: wallet set-interaction [options]
Set the current interaction
--from-fellowship <value>
Fellowship where we are sending the funds from
--from-template <value> Template where we are sending the funds from
--from-interaction <value>
Interaction from where we are sending the funds from
--walletdb <value> Wallet DB file. (mandatory)
Command: wallet list-interactions [options]
List the interactions for a given fellowship and template
--fellowship-name <value>
Name of the fellowship. (mandatory)
--template-name <value> Name of the template. (mandatory)
--walletdb <value> Wallet DB file. (mandatory)
Command: wallet sync [options]
Sync wallet
-n, --network <value> Network name: Possible values: mainnet, testnet, private. (mandatory)
-h, --host <value> The host of the node. (mandatory)
--port <value> Port Bifrost node. (mandatory)
-s, --secure <value> Enables the secure connection to the node. (optional)
-k, --keyfile <value> The key file.
-w, --password <value> Password for the encrypted key. (mandatory)
--fellowship-name <value>
Name of the fellowship. (mandatory)
--template-name <value> Name of the template. (mandatory)
--walletdb <value> Wallet DB file. (mandatory)
Command: wallet init [options]
Initialize wallet
-n, --network <value> Network name: Possible values: mainnet, testnet, private. (mandatory)
-w, --password <value> Password for the encrypted key. (mandatory)
-o, --output <value> The output file. (mandatory)
--newwalletdb <value> Wallet DB file. (mandatory)
-P, --passphrase <value>
Passphrase for the encrypted key. (optional))
--mnemonicfile <value> Mnemonic output file. (mandatory)
Command: wallet recover-keys [options]
Recover Wallet Main Key
-n, --network <value> Network name: Possible values: mainnet, testnet, private. (mandatory)
-m, --mnemonic <value> Mnemonic for the key. (mandatory)
-w, --password <value> Password for the encrypted key. (mandatory)
-o, --output <value> The output file. (mandatory)
--newwalletdb <value> Wallet DB file. (mandatory)
-P, --passphrase <value>
Passphrase for the encrypted key. (optional))
Command: wallet current-address [options]
Obtain current address
--walletdb <value> Wallet DB file. (mandatory)
--from-fellowship <value>
Fellowship where we are sending the funds from
--from-template <value> Template where we are sending the funds from
--from-interaction <value>
Interaction from where we are sending the funds from
Command: wallet export-vk [options]
Export verification key
-k, --keyfile <value> The key file.
-w, --password <value> Password for the encrypted key. (mandatory)
-o, --output <value> The output file. (mandatory)
--walletdb <value> Wallet DB file. (mandatory)
--fellowship-name <value>
Name of the fellowship. (mandatory)
--template-name <value> Name of the template. (mandatory)
--interaction <value> Interaction from where we are sending the funds from
Command: wallet add-secret [options]
Add a secret to the wallet
--walletdb <value> Wallet DB file. (mandatory)
--secret <value> Secret to be encoded. (mandatory)
--digest <value> Digest algorithm used to encode the secret. (mandatory)
Command: wallet get-preimage [options]
Get a preimage from the wallet
--walletdb <value> Wallet DB file. (mandatory)
--digest-text <value> Digest text to query for preimage. (mandatory)
--digest <value> Digest algorithm used to encode the secret. (mandatory)
Command: wallet import-vks [options]
Import verification key
-k, --keyfile <value> The key file.
-w, --password <value> Password for the encrypted key. (mandatory)
--walletdb <value> Wallet DB file. (mandatory)
--fellowship-name <value>
Name of the fellowship. (mandatory)
--template-name <value> Name of the template. (mandatory)
--input-vks <value> The keys to import. (mandatory)